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Encouraging Arts School Branding Essentials Guide

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

Branding – not just for corporations!

Branding is an important part in sustainable success; it creates the connection for all who enter your school. It expresses who you are, what you're great at and what you stand for!

It communicates your goals & aspirations, as well as your shared expectations as a staff and learning community.

Branding is much more than just a logo

Your logo is a key component but it is not your brand. Your brand is so much more than that! It is Expression & Actions combined, it’s the Hopes & Dreams of your organization. It's a living vessel that your logo gets stamped onto so people recognize it. Your Brand leads people where you want them to go within your school; it shows them a path. We help tell the story of your school.

Everyone becomes part of the Brand message

The whole school community is part of the message as well as the story. Students, Teachers, Staff, Parents and school leadership. Everyone's voice echoes throughout the story because everyone must be included to be successful. We talk about your successes because people need to be given talking points that they can share with others when describing your school. i.e. “Our school is the top school in math”, “We have the best basketball team and we are recognized for best attendance in the area”, “Our teachers are amazing, 85% of them have advanced degrees”, “Our staff oversees award winning grants” Build school pride by reminding everyone what is great about your school.

The Brand is visible, repeated & cohesive

Your mission is prominently positioned for all to see. Your vision is clear and known by all so everyone can embrace and join in fulfilling it! Standards and expectations are everywhere to be seen as a roadmap for actions. Student creeds and codes of conduct can be seen and understood, so they can be embraced like badges of honor. Visual aids and tools for tracking success and promoting inclusion are all around the building, representing not only the history but the present and the future. We Brand the whole building inside and out from walls and floors to windows and doors. People will feel the school culture in your hallways and see it on your gym walls. The building serves as the canvas and we craft and design a look and feel that sets your school apart from the status quo.

We are the trusted branding experts for over 26 years - let us show you how to make your building a valuable part of your team

We have set the new standard! We help create a better school environment for sustained success. If you want a better looking and performing school that people will talk about and be proud of, call us. Let us show you why we do more school branding than any company in the state and why that matters.

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